Melbourne, Australia

Announcing SegmentGenie for Ancestry DNA (Beta Version)

Announcing SegmentGenie for Ancestry DNA (Beta Version)

DNAKnowHow is delighted to release a ‘beta’ version of SegmentGenie.

What is SegmentGenie?

SegmentGenie is a simple tool which produces a list of your top DNA matches from Ancestry DNA, and shows the length of the longest matching DNA segment.

Why SegmentGenie?

Since August 2020 introduced a long-awaited feature – reporting the length of the longest matching segment for DNA matches. Unfortunately, this data can only bee seen by ‘clicking’ on each individual match one-at-a-time. Many users would prefer to see this data in list form, at a glance!

Who can use SegmentGenie?

Anyone who owns or manages a DNA kit on Ancestry can use this tool. You do not require a paid Ancestry subscription.

One Response

  1. Anonymous says:

    Great News! Checking it out now!

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